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Alea 40 - Bailén
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Alea 40 - Bailén

Revista #40 de wargames.

Incluye el juego encartado Bailén 1808 - La sombra del Águila y varios artículos y escenarios para tus wargames favoritos. Tetrarchia, ONUS!, 2GM Tactics y muchos más.

Precio 20,90 €

Alea 41 - Asalto al Japón...

Estará disponible a partir del 14 de agosto

Incluye el juego encartado Asalto al Japón ancestral - Kyüshü 1945 y varios artículos y escenarios para tus wargames favoritos.

Precio 22,50 €
C3i nr29
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C3i nr29


• ARTICLES ON THE COIN Series, Labyrinth: The Awakening, Empire of the Sun, Designer AND Player Interviews AND MORE!

• INSERTS FOR BOARDGAMES Alesia, Blue Cross White Ensign, Chariots of Fire, Hoplite Scenarios, Waterloo 1815, AND Wing Leader

Precio 36,00 €
C3i nr31
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C3i nr31

Features the standalone historical wargame “The Battle of Wakefield” by Designer Ralph Shelton (including map and counters)

• Articles on boardgames Pericles, Normandy '44, Clash of Giants Civil War and more!

• Inserts for Empire of the Sun, Plan Orange, Blood & Roses, Corrupedium GBoH, Liberty or Death, Wing Leader, Normandy ’44, Distant Lands, France ’40, and Ukraine ’43

Precio 36,00 €

C3i nr32

Features the standalone historical wargame “The Battle of Issy” by Designer Frederic Bey AND "The Battle of Gettysburg" by Designer Mark Herman (including map and counters)

• Articles on boardgames Ukraine '43, Pendragon, Banish All Their Fears and more!

• Inserts for Table Battles, Holland '44, Pericles and others!

Precio 45,00 €

C3i nr33

Close to 100 pages of content, C3i Nr 33 features a meaty 67-page magazine, 24-page rulebook and playthrough manual, and "The Waterloo Campaign 1815," the second volume of the C3i Series, designed by Mark Herman

(including 22x34" map and counters)

• Articles on boardgames Holland'44, Empire of the Sun, Fields of Fire, Campaigns of 1777 and more!

• Inserts for The Battles of the American Revolution Series, SPQR Deluxe, Empire of the Sun, Twilight Struggle and others!

• Also includes Peel & Stick Labels for your C3i Collector Boxes!!

Precio 45,00 €
C3i nr34
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C3i nr34

Over 100 pages of content, C3i Nr 34 features "Kursk: The Tigers are Burning, 1943" the first installment in the C3i Combined Arms series, designed by Trevor Bender

(includes a large 22x34" map and 114 counters!). Check out Cataclysm Now's Intro Video for Kursk

• Articles on board games Fields of Fire, SPQR, OCS, Undaunted: Normandy, France 1944 and more!

• Inserts for The Hunters, Empire of the Sun, C3i Nr 33's Battle of Issy, For the People, Stalingrad '42, Imperial Struggle and others!

• Also includes a BONUS Standalone Solitaire Game, FIREBASE VIETNAM!

Precio 45,00 €
C3i nr35
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C3i nr35

C3i Nr 35 features Mark Herman's "Burma: The Forgotten War, 1943-1944," a child of the Empire of the Sun system and companion to Nr 30's "South Pacific." Includes a 11x17" map 69 counters and 48 Playing Cards

• Articles on board games Atlantic Chase, Flying Colors, Kontact Now: Red Eclipse, Normandy '44, Kursk and more!

• Inserts for SPQR (LAKE TRASIMENE), Labyrinth, and others!

• Also includes a BONUS Standalone Solitaire Game, ROMAN DISASTER AT TEUTOBURG!

Precio 48,00 €
C3i nr36
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C3i nr36

C3i Nr 36 features Trevor Bender's "Desert Victory: North Africa, 1940-1942" the next chapter in the C3i Combined Arms Series that first debuted with Nr 34's Kursk (Winner of the Charles S. Roberts Award for Best Magazine Wargame 2021). This includes a 22"x34" map with 80 counters and two Player Aids

• Articles on board games Pacific War, Twilight Struggle: Red Sea, Blind Swords, Baetis Campaign, and more!

• Inserts for SPQR Variant (Skirmishers, Velites and Light Troops Revisited)

Precio 48,00 €

C3i nr37

C3i Nr 37 features Dan Fournie's long awaited "Baetis Campaign, 211 BC" a new installment in the C3i Series. This includes a 22"x34" map with 48 counters, Player Aid and rulebook with designer's notes.

Articles on board games Empire of the Sun, Battle of Castulo (GBoH), Red Flags Over Paris and more!

Inserts for the C3i exclusive variant of Red Flags Over Paris, Baetis Campaign, Spanish Road

Precio 48,00 €