

Filtros activos

300 Tierra y Agua

Elegante mini wargame asimétrico en el que 2 jugadores se enfrentan en partidas rápidas ambientadas en las Guerras Médicas (490 a.c. al 449 a.c.) entre el imperio aqueménida de Persia y las polis griegas.

Un juego de Yasushi Nakaguro, en castellano, con reglas sencillas y múltiples opciones estratégicas.

Precio 22,00 €

Almoravid (esp)

Almoravid es un wargame sobre las campañas tumultuosas durante la Reconquista de España. El rey Alfonso VI avanza contra los estados musulmanes fraccionados (taifas) y el imperio Almoravid interviene con sus tropas fundamentalistas africanas con la intención de obligar a los cristianos a retirarse indefinidamente.

Almoravid se puede jugar en solitario.

Precio 79,50 €
Barbarians at the gates
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Barbarians at the gates

Pedido bajo reserva - disponibilidad mayo-junio

Barbarians at the Gates, The Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire 337 – 476, is a card-driven game by game designer, Kris van Beurden (whose credits include Europe in Turmoil) for two players set during the final century of the Western Roman Empire. The Roman player commands the Roman legions loyal to the failing central authority and those Germanic peoples who have settled peacefully inside the Roman Empire, while the Barbarian player leads Usurper Emperors, and controls the migrations of the savage Germanic peoples, who are the Barbarians at the Gates.

Precio 81,00 €


The Conquerors: The Romans and The Macedonians is a strategic and tactical simulation of the eastward expansion of the Roman Republic after the Second Punic War, which ended in 200 B.C. Two specific periods are covered: the Second Macedonian War (against Philip V), in which Rome laid its claim for control of Greece (albeit in somewhat defensive posture), and the Syrian War (against Antiochus, the Selecuid king), wherein Rome made its first incursions into the Asian continent. The latter Scenario uses both maps in The Conquerors game (that of The Romans along with that of The Macedonians).

The Macedonians covers the conquests of Alexander the Great.

Precio 74,00 €
Heroes and Events
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Heroes and Events

Edición en inglés.

This set contains 25 heroes and events to add some surprise and randomness to the games.

Precio 13,50 €

New Armies (exp)

Edición en inglés.

With this expansion players will replace the wooden playing pieces in the three games by wooden blocks that will provide a huge amount of fog of war to the game. Fully coloured stickers of Ships and Legions are put on top of the blocks. On the back there will be stickers of their strength. Information of strength will only be revealed at the moment of combat.

This expansion give the military aspect of the game a complete new approach. It can be used for all three volumes.

Game Contents:

  • 124 wooden Blocks
  • 248 fully coloured Stickers
  • 1 Rules Manual
Precio 26,00 €