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Operational Matters Luzon
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Operational Matters Luzon

Operational Matters Volume 2 w/Luzon is a 40 page magazine focused on players new to Operational Combat Series games. The eight articles help players learn or even improve on their OCS knowledge. This also includes a set of six double-sided cardstock Reference Cards to help learning and...

Note: The OCS 4.3 Series Rules and OCS 4.3 Charts and Tables are not included with this magazine, they can be dowloaded from the Gamers Archive on our website.

Precio 46,00 €

Operational Matters Sicily II

Operational Matters: An OCS Guide is a support booklet devoted to the Operational Combat Series. Editor Mark Milke has selected a nice mixture of game-specific strategy articles on many of the games in this series, and also some generalized analysis of the system’s nuances.  Novice...

Precio 60,00 €

Thunder on the Mississippi:...

Reposición 2ª quincena octubre

Thunder On the Mississippi is the latest design in the award-winning Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series. It depicts Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant’s 1863 campaign to capture Vicksburg. The game is designed by Joe Balkoski

Precio 118,00 €
Tray for Standard Cards Sleeve-Friendly
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Tray for Standard Cards...

Nota: Cajas para unas 42 cartas enfundadas

Cube4me trays are made of thick and durable material, ensuring excellent protection for your cards and other game components. The transparent design allows for easy visibility of the contents.

Each tray comes with a sturdy cover that fits perfectly, thanks to the indents on the edges. This secure fit prevents any movement during transport. The closures are reliable, and you can hear a characteristic click, providing reassurance that the box won’t open.

Precio 1,15 €
The Greatest Day: Utah Beach

The Greatest Day: Utah Beach

En reposición, pedidos en reserva bajo demanda.

“You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months.  The eyes of the world are upon you.  The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.” - General Dwight D. Eisenhower, June 5,...

Precio 290,00 €


Crimea covers the series of campaigns in the Crimean Peninsula during the war on the Eastern Front. Several scenarios cover the period of Axis ascendancy during the period September 1941 – July 1942. The Soviet resurgence is represented by scenarios from September 1943 – May


Precio 95,00 €
The Forgotten Battles

The Forgotten Battles

The Forgotten Battles (TFB) covers the key fighting between late September 1943 and April 1944 in the Army Group Center portion of the Russian front. This was a war of attrition around cities and rugged terrain in the Belorussian region of the former Soviet Union. The major success in this sector...

Precio 179,00 €
Vae Victis: 2 Years of Glory
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Vae Victis: 2 Years of Glory

2 Années de Gloire (2 Years of Glory) brings together the four battles that determined the outcome of the Prussian and Polish campaign from 1806 to 1807. They were previously featured in 2006 and 2007, and we are now offering them in new, redesigned and significantly revised versions.

Note: this wargame is a special issue not included in subscriptions.

Precio 40,00 €
Bandejas organizadoras (MQO)
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Bandejas organizadoras (MQO)

Bandejas De Alta Calidad Para Mantener Los Componentes De Tus Juegos Organizados. Ideales Para Juegos Con Gran Cantidad De Componentes, Especialmente Si Estos Son Troquelados. Estas Bandejas Están Especialmente Recomendadas Para Mantener Clasificados Los Componentes De Los Wargames Y Eurogames.


• Bandeja De 280 X 220 Mm En Poliestireno Negro De 700 Micras De Espesor, Con Cierre Seguro Y Ajustado Que Evitará Que Los Componentes Se Mezclen Entre Los Distintos Compartimentos. Soporta Caídas Y Colocación De Los Juegos En Vertical.

• 20 Compartimentos, Cada Uno Con Dimensiones De 60 X 35 X 17 Mm

• Tapa En Plástico PET Transparente De 300 Micras De Espesor

Precio 2,50 €
Clipeadora Deluxe 2mm - Oregon Laminations

Clipeadora Deluxe 2mm -...

Clipeadora versión Deluxe de Oregon Laminations.

Tamaño de corte: 2mm

Es la versión Deluxe, modelo C-006-2MM

Es un producto directamente importado de USA, del proveedor Oregon Laminations

Precio 67,00 €

20 compartments, 8mm depth,...

Cube4me trays are made of thick transparent plastic and they are dedicated to the storage of board game components.

Each tray has its own lid. The lid and tray have concavity at the edges that hold the lid to the tray.

Dimensions of the tray and lid:

Height (tray with lid): 10 mm (0.394 inches);

Depth inside (the compartment height): 7 mm (0.276 inches);

Length (tray & lid): 288 mm (11.34 inches);

Width (tray & lid): 212 mm (8.35 inches);

Compartment size: 49 x 45 mm (1.93 x 1.77 inches);

Compartments quantity: x20

Weight: 100 grams

Precio 4,00 €