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Rebel Fury
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Rebel Fury

Rebel Fury, Volume I of the Civil War Heritage Series, uses the low-complexity Gettysburg system featured in C3i Magazine #32. The Battles featured are Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge, Chancellorsville, and Fredericksburg (solitaire). Several of the battles are linkable, covering the entire Chickamauga-Chattanooga campaigns.

Precio 54,00 €

Combat! Volume 1 (2nd print)

Combat! is a solitaire game on man to man combat in the 20th century. The player will control friendly forces and attempt to complete a scenario against enemy forces that are controlled by the game system.

Precio 129,00 €
France '40 2ª Ed.
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France '40 2ª Ed.

...even if the operation were to have only a 10% chance of success, I would stick with it. For only this can lead to the defeat of the enemy.” —General Halder, Chief of General Staff

France '40 contains two separate games: Sickle Cut and Dynamo. Both games use the same rules and share many game pieces, but each has a separate full size map.

Precio 49,90 €
ASL: Bitterest Day

ASL: Bitterest Day

Bitterest Day envía a los jugadores a Okinawa, luchando en el terreno montañoso. El día más amargo incluye lo siguiente: 9 escenarios llenos de acción. 1 hoja completa de fichas, que muestra más unidades, armas, vehículos y aviones que se muestran en los escenarios. Una hoja de mapa HASL que representa la situación histórica en Okinawa. Se requiere la propiedad de los siguientes componentes de Advanced Squad Leader© para jugar los 9 escenarios incluidos: Nacionalidades: estadounidenses y japoneses.

Precio 80,00 €

Twilight of the Reich

Twilight of the Reich will be released at Winter Offensive 2024 on January 11, 2024 and website orders will begin shipping after Winter Offensive on January 16, 2024.   TWILIGHT OF THE REICH (TotR) takes Advanced Squad Leader players to the final stages of the war in the European...

Precio 151,88 €


ORSOGNA es un módulo histórico (HASL) de la casa Advancing Fire.

Viene en formato caja.

[!] Es necesario disponer de los módulos Beyond Valor y For King and Country. Por supuesto, también el libro de reglas de ASL.

Precio 114,36 €
Special Ops Issue 12

Special Ops Issue 12

Special Ops #12 has 8 articles, four ASL scenarios, a mini HASL map, and two ASLSK scenarios. The magazine also includes Warriors of England, which is a quick playing game on the Wars of the Roses. It contains articles on ASL, ASLSK, OCS, and GTS Race for Bastogne. It also includes two...

Precio 40,00 €
Hearts & Minds (ESP)
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Hearts & Minds (ESP)

Vietnam, 1965. Estados Unidos despliega tropas de combate en Vietnam del Sur y se inician las operaciones Rolling Thunder, Steel Tiger y Market Time. Los aliados construyen puertos de gran calado en las bahías de Vung Po y Cam Ranh. Ho Chi Minh ha decidido llevar la guerra a Vietnam del Sur.

Precio 62,00 €