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PRODUCTO EN RESERVA - Fecha estimada 24 de junio
Torgau 1760, the second game in the "SYWBS" series, will simulate the battle fought on the 3rd of November 1760 in northwestern Saxony during the Seven Years War. King of Prussia Frederick II the Great commanded the Prussian Army: 48,500 men (62 bns, 102 sqns) and 246 guns. F.M. Graf Leopold Daun commanded the Austian Army: 55,500 men (67 bns, 116 sqns) and 275 guns.
The SYW Battle Series (SYWBS) games are playable grand-tactical portrayals of battles of the Seven Years War. The series’ intent is to show how command operates on the battlefields, using the weapons and tactics of the period. The system emphasizes command & control and playability.
The games all share the following characteristics:
Scale = 200-220 m/hex (219-240 yrd/hex)
Time = 30 min/Turn
Counter = 1 Brigade, 1 Battalion, 1 to 3 Squadrons, 1 Battery, 1 Leader
Each unit's historical flag and uniform are displayed on Counters, Orders/organizational Displays, and Orders of battle (in Playbooks).
Torgau 1760 simulates the battle fought on the 3rd of November 1760 in northwestern Saxony during the Seven Years War. King Frederick II the Great commanded the Prussian Army: 48,500 men (62 bns, 102 sqns) and 246 guns in total. F.M. Leopold Daun commanded the Austrian Army: 55,500 men (67 bns, 116 sqns) and 275 guns in total.
PREVENTA - Reposición prevista llegada final mayo
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Rebel Fury, Volume I of the Civil War Heritage Series, uses the low-complexity Gettysburg system featured in C3i Magazine #32. The Battles featured are Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge, Chancellorsville, and Fredericksburg (solitaire). Several of the battles are linkable, covering the entire Chickamauga-Chattanooga campaigns.
Operation Neptune (HASL module) gives insight into the British Army assault of the River Seine at Vernon, France in late August, 1944. This pack provides players the opportunity to see how they would fare in a forced river crossing and clearing operation in both scenario and CG form.
Storm of Steel: Ju-87 STUKA, Eastern Front is a solitaire tactical air wargame where you take the role of a Staffelkapitän – Flight leader. Select, equip and fly your aircraft, lead a squadron of Stuka dive bombers and execute close air support missions along the Eastern Front from the opening day of Operation Barbarossa on June 22, 1941 up to the Kursk offensive in 1943.
N: Las Guerras Napoleónicas es un juego solitario de gran estrategia a alto nivel. El juego representa las décadas turbulentas desde 1792 a 1815, cuando Europa estaba convulsa por la Revolución Francesa y las guerras del Emperador Francés Napoleón I.
Tu juegas las coaliciones «monárquicas» de Europa – lideradas por Gran Bretaña – luchando por deponer al ‘Ogro Corso’ y restaurar la paz, el orden y una pizca del Divino Derecho de los Reyes sobre el Continente.
N no es una detallada y táctica simulación histórica, pero está diseñado como un divertido, desafiante juego ilustrando el curso general de las guerras y sus temas históricos.
Corre el verano de 1940 y Gran Bretaña es la única nación que se interpone en el camino de la victoria alemana en Europa. La maquinaria de guerra alemana durante el último año ha aplastado todo lo que se ha encontrado a su paso. Ahora te toca a ti dirigir a los pilotos de la experimentada Luftwaffe, acabar con toda resistencia y allanar el camino para la invasión, o a los ingeniosos y decididos pilotos de la RAF contrarrestándolos en cada misión.
Undaunted: Battle of Britain es un juego independiente de la serie Undaunted, que adapta las mecánicas básicas de los anteriores juegos para recrear la dinámica de los combates aéreos. Mantén la cohesión entre tus pilotos, esquiva la artillería antiaérea y aprovecha el talento de los ases para ganar la batalla en el aire.
ROADS TO RANGOON, the 19th “action pack” for Advanced Squad Leader, follows up ACTION PACK #9 TO THE BRIDGE! with more action in Burma between Japanese (and allied Burmese Independence Army troops) and British Commonwealth forces in March and April 1942. ROADS TO RANGOON presents several...
Schutztruppe, Heia Safari, 1914-18 delivers an intriguing and detailed look at the East African Guerrilla war, 1914-1918. This is a moderate complexity wargame with detailed naval and supply rules, and a map and order of battle representing the authoritative treatment of the campaign. The overall game presentation is enhanced with a mounted game map and larger 9/16″ counters.
Armageddon War is a platoon level board-wargame set in the near future. The first module focuses on the Middle East, pitting Israelis against age-old adversaries, and a revitalized Russia against the United States. There are no turns, just continuous activations. The intensity of a unit’s close combat modifier is determined by its morale, and when you fire on a unit, it has the option of taking cover, or returning fire. To hit numbers always remain the same, but the number of dice rolled and the effect of hits vary, all represented by multicolored dice and symbols.
Pedido bajo reserva - disponibilidad mayo-junio
Barbarians at the Gates, The Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire 337 – 476, is a card-driven game by game designer, Kris van Beurden (whose credits include Europe in Turmoil) for two players set during the final century of the Western Roman Empire. The Roman player commands the Roman legions loyal to the failing central authority and those Germanic peoples who have settled peacefully inside the Roman Empire, while the Barbarian player leads Usurper Emperors, and controls the migrations of the savage Germanic peoples, who are the Barbarians at the Gates.
Northern Italy, 14 June, 1800: The out-manoeuvred Austrian army attacked the French under Bonaparte, took them by surprise and defeated them quickly in the morning fight. Thinking that the battle was over, they pursued the retreating French. However, when General Desaix arrived with reinforcements in the late afternoon, the French started a defiant counterattack and turned the Battle of Marengo into a glorious triumph.
Esta edición Deluxe incluye el Escenario Norte y las localizaciones de salto alternativas publicadas originalmente en la revista C3i
Holanda ´44 es un juego para dos jugadores que representa los ataques por tierra y aire de los Aliados en los Países Bajos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, bajo el nombre en clave Operación Market-Garden. Este osado plan ideado por el Mariscal de Campo Montgomery para apoderarse de los puentes más importantes de los Países Bajos tenía el objetivo de abrir el camino hacia Alemania. Sin embargo, los restos de varias divisiones alemanas maltrechas en el área fueron capaces de frenar la ofensiva y casi destruir totalmente la 1ª División Aerotransportada Británica. La ofensiva Aliada fue un fracaso estrepitoso.
Este juego no lleva tablero montado en su interior, se vende por separado, ver Eylau mapa montado
ASL Arnhem 2024 es un producto con fines benéficos y todos los fondos de la venta de MMP del mismo van a ser donados a dos museos de la batalla. El importe del producto es íntegramente para pagar su coste e impuestos al entrar en España, sin margen de beneficio alguno.
No admite descuentos al tratarse de este tipo de producto.
PRODUCTO EN RESERVA - Fecha estimada 24 de junio
Torgau 1760, the second game in the "SYWBS" series, will simulate the battle fought on the 3rd of November 1760 in northwestern Saxony during the Seven Years War. King of Prussia Frederick II the Great commanded the Prussian Army: 48,500 men (62 bns, 102 sqns) and 246 guns. F.M. Graf Leopold Daun commanded the Austian Army: 55,500 men (67 bns, 116 sqns) and 275 guns.