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Europe in Turmoil II follows in the footsteps of Europe in Turmoil I. Once again, two players take sides in this political CDG set in the Interbellum era between the two World Wars, this time one representing the Moderate Left (socialists and liberals), and the other player representing the Moderate Right of the time (conservatives and nationalists).
The mechanics of the game are rather similar to those of Europe in Turmoil I, with the main changes being the replacement of the Naval Arms Race by seven concurrent Rearmament races (for each of the six scoring regions of the game plus the Soviet Union) and the removal of the stability and mobilization decks in lieu of a new extremist marker that facilitates support checks.
While players represent moderates, the cards they are using contain some of the more extreme people and factions of the period. It is possible to harness their large political prowess in order to make quick gains, but at the cost of becoming less and less moderate, which may eventually hamper your possibility to win the long game.
The map represents the political reality of Europe in the Interbellum, divided in six scoring regions (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Spain and the Little Entente of Yugoslavia, Romania and Czechoslovakia).
Play progresses over three periods: The Roaring Twenties, followed by the Great Depression and finally the Appeasement period.
Europe is in Turmoil again! Will you be the one to extinguish the forces of extremism, or will you fan the flames on your way to Domination?
—description from the publisher
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Pedido bajo reserva - disponibilidad mayo-junio
Barbarians at the Gates, The Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire 337 – 476, is a card-driven game by game designer, Kris van Beurden (whose credits include Europe in Turmoil) for two players set during the final century of the Western Roman Empire. The Roman player commands the Roman legions loyal to the failing central authority and those Germanic peoples who have settled peacefully inside the Roman Empire, while the Barbarian player leads Usurper Emperors, and controls the migrations of the savage Germanic peoples, who are the Barbarians at the Gates.
Over 100 pages of content, C3i Nr 34 features "Kursk: The Tigers are Burning, 1943" the first installment in the C3i Combined Arms series, designed by Trevor Bender
(includes a large 22x34" map and 114 counters!). Check out Cataclysm Now's Intro Video for Kursk
• Articles on board games Fields of Fire, SPQR, OCS, Undaunted: Normandy, France 1944 and more!
• Inserts for The Hunters, Empire of the Sun, C3i Nr 33's Battle of Issy, For the People, Stalingrad '42, Imperial Struggle and others!
• Also includes a BONUS Standalone Solitaire Game, FIREBASE VIETNAM!
Operational Matters Volume 2 w/Luzon is a 40 page magazine focused on players new to Operational Combat Series games. The eight articles help players learn or even improve on their OCS knowledge. This also includes a set of six double-sided cardstock Reference Cards to help learning and...
Note: The OCS 4.3 Series Rules and OCS 4.3 Charts and Tables are not included with this magazine, they can be dowloaded from the Gamers Archive on our website.
Close to 100 pages of content, C3i Nr 33 features a meaty 67-page magazine, 24-page rulebook and playthrough manual, and "The Waterloo Campaign 1815," the second volume of the C3i Series, designed by Mark Herman
(including 22x34" map and counters)
• Articles on boardgames Holland'44, Empire of the Sun, Fields of Fire, Campaigns of 1777 and more!
• Inserts for The Battles of the American Revolution Series, SPQR Deluxe, Empire of the Sun, Twilight Struggle and others!
• Also includes Peel & Stick Labels for your C3i Collector Boxes!!
C3i Nr 37 features Dan Fournie's long awaited "Baetis Campaign, 211 BC" a new installment in the C3i Series. This includes a 22"x34" map with 48 counters, Player Aid and rulebook with designer's notes.
Articles on board games Empire of the Sun, Battle of Castulo (GBoH), Red Flags Over Paris and more!
Inserts for the C3i exclusive variant of Red Flags Over Paris, Baetis Campaign, Spanish Road
C3i Nr 36 features Trevor Bender's "Desert Victory: North Africa, 1940-1942" the next chapter in the C3i Combined Arms Series that first debuted with Nr 34's Kursk (Winner of the Charles S. Roberts Award for Best Magazine Wargame 2021). This includes a 22"x34" map with 80 counters and two Player Aids
• Articles on board games Pacific War, Twilight Struggle: Red Sea, Blind Swords, Baetis Campaign, and more!
• Inserts for SPQR Variant (Skirmishers, Velites and Light Troops Revisited)
Operational Matters: An OCS Guide is a support booklet devoted to the Operational Combat Series. Editor Mark Milke has selected a nice mixture of game-specific strategy articles on many of the games in this series, and also some generalized analysis of the system’s nuances. Novice...
ASL Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #15 (2024) features four new scenario designs (two by by Pete Shelling and one each by Kevin Meyer and Tom Morin) and three new Deluxe ASL boards (p/q/r). MMP has an ulterior motive, however, for the manufacture and sale of this particular product. Proceeds from the sales of each WO Bonus Pack #15 are donated to the WWII Foundation.
The Fall of Tobruk: Rommel’s Greatest Victory by Chris Fawcett is a recreation of the Axis attack on the heavily fortified Gazala-Bir-Hachiem line in May-June 1942. The is a complete revision of the Conflict Games edition designed by Frank Chadwick and first published in 1975 (this is not a reprint but a new design).
Nota en la 3ª edición: Esta edición es idéntica a la 2ª edición, excepto que se han corregido todas las erratas conocidas.
Edición en inglés.
With this expansion players will replace the wooden playing pieces in the three games by wooden blocks that will provide a huge amount of fog of war to the game. Fully coloured stickers of Ships and Legions are put on top of the blocks. On the back there will be stickers of their strength. Information of strength will only be revealed at the moment of combat.
This expansion give the military aspect of the game a complete new approach. It can be used for all three volumes.
Game Contents:
Producto en pedido bajo reserva.
Hay disponibilidad para nueva remesa.
Edición en inglés con reglas en castellano.
Santander'37 es una simulación para dos jugadores de la campaña de la Guerra Civil Española librada entre el CTV italiano y las tropas de la República en Santander en agosto de 1937.
este juego reimplementa el publicado por Para Bellum en 2018, con algunos cambios en las reglas, en particular: unificación del sistema de moral y de puntos de victoria.
Producto en reserva - Disponible a partir del 18/04
Los primeros pedidos recibirán 4 cartas exclusivas, hasta agotar existencias
Corre el año 1469. La Península Ibérica se ha ido fraccionando en distintos califatos y reinos a lo largo de 700 años. La guerra – una parte de la competencia entre los cristianos y los musulmanes que se llama la Reconquista – ha sido la única constante. Han ofrecido la mano de Isabel de Castilla, con 18 años, tanto a Portugal como a Francia. En contra de los deseos de su hermano, Enrique IV, que rechaza a los dos y en su lugar se fuga para casarse con su prometido original, Fernando II. Después de cinco años, su hermano muere y ella se convierte en la Reina de Castilla. Pero ¿puede esta frágil alianza sobrevivir las amenazas que la rodean?
This will be the fight for the island battle made famous in the movie, The Windtalkers. Included would be a campaign scenario, with smaller scenarios for the initial invasion, Death Valley, and the drive north. One mounted map board, two counter sheets (352 counters), 55 cards, full color play aid cards, and a 48-page full color rules booklet.
Producto en reserva
Se estima la llegada en la 2ª quincena de junio
The Normans, and their successors, had a large impact on history. Normans, from Nortmann (northman), were originally Viking raiders that settled in what would now be northern France. Normans gained territory as far away as southern Italy and Sicily, and modern day Syria. They were Crusaders, they were Kings, they were princes, and they were scoundrels. They began as raiders from the north that fought on foot and transformed themselves into Dukes, Kings, and princes that fought from horseback.
Este juego no lleva tablero montado en su interior, se vende por separado, ver Eylau mapa montado
The World at War: Europe representa la Segunda Guerra Mundial en el Teatro Europeo de Operaciones.
The World at War: Europe presenta un sistema novedoso de juego en el que el motor principal del mismo serán las acciones disponibles a cada jugador distribuidas entre sus diversas potencias asignadas a su bando.
El juego es de complejidad media y cubre muchos de los aspectos más interesantes del conflicto como la Blitzkrieg, pactos diplomáticos (los históricos y los que pudieron ser), guerra estratégica, mejoras de la industria, avances tecnológicos, etc…
Pedido bajo reserva - estimación mayo